Paddling with Pete

chill, upbeat/offbeat paddleboard adventures around Phoenix, Arizona

🏄‍♂️ Paddling with Pete - from the guys behind Hiking with Pete

👋 Hey, I'm Pete. If you're in the Phoenix/Scottsdale/Tempe area and itching for an adventure, give me a shout. I organize group paddleboard trips at Canyon Lake (about an hour east of metro Phoenix). I'm not a tour guide or some kind of professional paddling guide, I'm just a buoyant, squirrelly little guy with access to a few paddleboards.

At its core, Paddling with Pete is a paddleboard equipment rental service (except I throw myself in with every purchase at no extra cost).

Paddling with Pete is currently during select weekdays at sunrise. We'll meet at the Fry's on the northwest corner of Old West Highway and Idaho Road about an hour before sunrise and drive up to the Acacia Recreation Site at Canyon Lake. I'll have paddleboards for everyone, life jackets, extra water, coffee, and some top-drawer lake snacks. And we'll be done pretty early, since I gotta get to work by 9.

If any of this floats your boat, book a spot using the form below.

pete hikes.png

Paddle adventures are $99/person but worth at least twice that


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